Surprsing info on who's looking to move to Idaho!

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Market Trends reveals who is eyeing properties in the Gem state. 

The two most popular locations in Idaho, at which people are researching, are Ada County (home of Boise) and Kootenai County (home of Coeur d'Alene)

What is most interesting is the states from where the people are looking from...

Top three states from which people are researching Kootenai County properties:

1) Washington 25%

2) California 14%

3) Georgia 2%

Top three states from which people are researching Ada County properties:

1) California 47%

2) Utah 8%

3) Washington 6%

Below is the county by county breakdown from where people are looking at the two Idaho counties:

 Kootenai Co cross buyer

ada co cross buyer

Source: Q1 2019 search data